Food Brooke Mousetis Food Brooke Mousetis

Roasted Beet & Honey Goat Cheese Dip

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Sorry, I had to! You would have too right?! I can't talk about beets and not think of Dwight Schrute! Although, to be honest, I wasn't always as enthusiastic about them as Dwight.

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Home, Lifestyle, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis Home, Lifestyle, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis

Encourage Creativity In Your Kids

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” - Maya Angelou | I am so grateful to have grown up in a creative home. While I’m sure my parents noticed creativity in me from an early age, I also know that they made it a priority for me too. I did dance lessons, art lessons and music lessons most of my childhood….

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Advice, Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis Advice, Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis

4 Tips To Keeping Your House Fresh, Even With Cats

At the end of last month, T.J. and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Ten. YEARS! That feels a little crazy. We took a short trip to Philadelphia for just one night and on our drive down to the city, we chatted about all of the things we've learned, done, seen, and loved. And one topic we got talking about, and therefore laughing about, was cats.

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Food Brooke Mousetis Food Brooke Mousetis

Ham & Dijon Grilled Cheese with Apple Butter

I have always been a fan of almost anything with Swiss cheese. So naturally, I picked this sandwich off of a menu at a food truck one time a few years back and haven't stopped thinking about it since then. I knew right then and there that it was going to become a staple in my grilled cheese index. What? You don't have a grilled cheese index?

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Food Brooke Mousetis Food Brooke Mousetis

3 Ways to French Toast

I have a very vivid memory of "the best french toast I've ever had." Oddly enough, it was in Jamaica. I was there on a trip in high school with my church and we'd just spent a week up in the mountains and the day before we flew home…

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Motherhood, Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis Motherhood, Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis

Our Kindness Chart

Not long after Sunny was born and my life felt crazy for a variety of reasons, I was looking for ways to simplify my life even more. I just needed to make fewer "in the moment" decisions every day because my brain and heart were at full capacity! One of the ways I did that was by ordering my groceries online…

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Food, Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis Food, Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis

Spring Charcuterie Board Inspiration

Hands down, one of my favorite ways to slow down and connect with the people I love is around the table. Food brings people together in ways that almost nothing else can. But, if you're one of those people who thinks "Ahhh hosting is the worst, I'd have to cook a bunch of food!" I'm here to tell you that's just not the case. There's this magical little secret, my friends, and it's called a charcuterie board. You literally don't have to cook anything. Can I get an amen?!

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Home Brooke Mousetis Home Brooke Mousetis

A Play Area for June’s Room

June’s room has been arranged so many different ways in the last four years. But here's what I've learned, and to be honest love, about kid's rooms: they can change just as quickly as your little one does, and it's awesome that way.

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Home Brooke Mousetis Home Brooke Mousetis

A Little Sunshine For June's Room

When Minted reached out to feature some of their art, I don't think I've ever replied faster to an email because I love Minted. We've used them before for our Christmas cards, and other things in our house, and I always jump at the chance to get my hands on real, framed art!

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Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis

The Farmers Market | Family Time

One of our favorite things to do as a family is shop at the local farmer's market that is open on Tuesdays. Not only can you get some of the best prices and freshest food in town while you're there, but it's also such a fun experience for kids

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Food Brooke Mousetis Food Brooke Mousetis

Peach & Blackberry Smoothie Bowls

Y'all. If you're looking for a way to basically eat summer for breakfast, this is it. Blended frozen peaches topped with sliced bananas, chia seeds, pecans, dragon fruit and blackberries that are ready to burst -- what could be better?! 

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Food Brooke Mousetis Food Brooke Mousetis

Peaches & Biscuits | The Perfect Summer Dessert

Y'all. This Peaches & Biscuits dessert is about to become your new go-to summertime favorite. It is such an easy recipe and gives you get another reason to eat loads of peaches while they're at the peak of their season and flavor.

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