Home, Lifestyle, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis Home, Lifestyle, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis

Encourage Creativity In Your Kids

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” - Maya Angelou | I am so grateful to have grown up in a creative home. While I’m sure my parents noticed creativity in me from an early age, I also know that they made it a priority for me too. I did dance lessons, art lessons and music lessons most of my childhood….

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Motherhood, Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis Motherhood, Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis

Our Kindness Chart

Not long after Sunny was born and my life felt crazy for a variety of reasons, I was looking for ways to simplify my life even more. I just needed to make fewer "in the moment" decisions every day because my brain and heart were at full capacity! One of the ways I did that was by ordering my groceries online…

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Advice, Lifestyle, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis Advice, Lifestyle, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis

Snow Days & 3am Prayers

I was praying to my "genie-Jesus" begging for everyone else to make adjustments, and change, and wear their big girl pants (literally), but not asking for actual help, joy, or strength for myself. "Hey everyone else! Feelings update: you change, cause I'm too tired too. Ok? Cool thanks bye."

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Food, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis Food, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis

Pear + Avocado Spring Salad

And THAT my friends is how motherhood feels somedays, because by 2pm there was sand in my sheets, yogurt on June's bed, frozen corn thawing in my trunk, and an explosion of laundry everywhere. BUT WE ATE SALADS FOR LUNCH, GOSH DARNIT, AND I CONSIDER THAT A SUCCESSFUL DAY.

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