The Farmers Market | Family Time


I cannot believe that we're posting photos of all four of us to the blog right now! This never happens. Being the ones who are often behind the camera, my heart is so happy to see all of us on the front end. Go team Mousetis!

I also want to say "Go Team Kelly Moore!" for partnering with us on this post and providing us with that b-e-a-u-tiful camera bag I'm carrying. It's honestly so well made and downright amazing. We have loved and used Kelly Moore Bags for years. I use this satchel backpack as a camera bag and a mini version of our diaper bag. It holds my Canon camera with the lens attached, diapers, wipes, my nursing cover, extra clothes for June, my wallet, my keys, my phone, and my reusable bags for the market!

One of our favorite things to do as a family is shop at the local farmer's market that is open on Tuesdays. Not only can you get some of the best prices and freshest food in town while you're there, but it's also such a fun experience for kids. We walk around while eating pretzels bigger than our faces and treating ourselves to $1.00 ice cream cones! (How funny, my first date with T.J. was to McDonald's for a $1 sundae..... <starts singing to self> "It's the cirrrrrcle of liiiiiifeeee....")

When we got out of the car at the market I realized I forgot to put a headband on Sunny, and because everyone will think she's a boy, even when wearing pink, I took my bandana off my bag and made it into a headband. 😂#motherhood #makingitupasigo

I love purchasing apples from this one stand, specifically the "#10 Apples". That's really what they're called to! Everything else is like Gala, or Pink Lady, or Golden Delicious and I'm all like "Yeah I'll take a basket of #10's, please." But, they're amazing. If you ever go to Roots Market you gotta try them.

Don’t you just love how local markets are making a resurgence with the organic and shopping local trend? And thankfully, I don’t think it’s just a trend, I think this way of shopping and consuming is here to stay!

How about you? Do you have a farmer's market in your town? Whats your favorite thing to get? I'd love to know! - Brooke

Again, a HUGE thanks to Kelly Moore Bag for sponsoring this post and for providing us with our favorite camera/diaper bags!


Every Millennial with a Camera Be Like...😂


Peach & Blackberry Smoothie Bowls