Are you done simply surviving your days?
Are you done simply surviving your days?
An easy-to-apply, course to help busy, well-intending Moms like you create rhythms, routines, and systems to support you and your family in finding joy and seeking God in your present season.
Are you done simply surviving your days?
Being a mom MIGHT be one of the the only jobs in the world where you can give what feels like 100-freaking-percent, and get to the end of the day with nothing done.
Have you felt that? What about this…
Are you tired of feeling like you never have dinner on the table?
Are you exhausted from keeping everyone’s schedule and activities in your head?
Do you wish the basics of everyday life ran a little more on auto pilot so you could get to what really matters most?
Do you wish you were thriving and not just surviving?
Do you want to find God in the everyday, but don’t know how?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then HOMEJOY is perfect for you.
Unlock your own HOMEJOY
If home is where the heart is, then why does it also feel like the thing that’s sucking the life out of you?
Well, it’s because we take an “I should already have this figured out” approach to running our families.
When it comes to meal planning, organizing your home, and tackling your to-do list, what’s the story you tell yourself when you fall short or miss the mark?
If it sounds like, “Ugh, I can’t get this together, what’s wrong with me?”
THAT’S the thing that I’m here to stomp on like a gross cockroach.
Because the problem with living life that way is we don’t treat it like something WORTH STRATEGIZING.
Instead, we expect the strategy to be born within us —
to know exactly how to finish the laundry and do the sports and promotelearning in our children and keep everyone fed with nourishing things they love and accomplishing our goals and finding a hobby and do it all while looking stylish and keeping everything as Pinterest-worthy as possible.
God calls us to stewardship, so we need a strategy to step into it consistently.
What if instead of feeling like there needs to be two of you, you could come up with systems within your home that make one of you exactly enough?
That sounds like a more joy-filled home already, you think?

What this class will teach you.
… will lay the groundwork for the entire course by setting intentions, examining why home matters, and exploring the connection between our purpose and productivity.
… is all about what matters most and why knowing any of that even matter at all. Because, trust me, it really does matter.
… we’re going to talk about why you feel so scattered all the time, and then how to build a support system that helps you organize your thoughts, tasks and resources so that you can spend more time doing the meaningful things in life.
… focuses on how to live in your season and walks you through how to name the season that you’re in right now.
is all about food. We’ll dive into meal planning, grocery shopping and how lists will save your life.
will explore a few different strategies to help you manage the never-ending tasks of laundry and cleaning. Plus I’ll share my ultimate gamechanger!
… will wrap it all up and send you on your way armed with tools and support systems to create your own HOMEJOY.
a.k.a. wayyyy less than an emotional-support Target trip to live your best home-joy life
“Gamechanger. 10 Stars!”
This course is a GAMECHANGER! Because the game will never be played the same way again. This is the perfect avenue to unpack your toolbox. We are overwhelmed on the daily with hacks, tools, must have gadgets and so much more. HOMEJOY provides a space to really dive deep and determine what matters most for you. I appreciate how Brooke dives deep into the WHY before talking about the HOW. And even then, she doesn't give you an copy cat recipe but instead, the empowerment to create a home full of joy. If you are on the fence about this course, buy it. You won't regret it! It's a great resource you can use over and over again. 10 stars!
happy homejoy grad :)
Homejoy offers a perspective shift that can bear fruit in your home for years to come. For example, learning to name what matters most in the season l'm in has been so life giving and freeing. We can't do it all, and the reality is we aren't meant to! From practical lessons about writing lists, to spiritual encouragement to see your home as a garden this course covers all aspects of homemaking and gives you the tools to make your home a place for growth and glorifying God. This is a worthwhile investment!!
(another) happy homejoy grad :)
Home joy helped me build the framework for my family to thrive in our day-to-day. There are so many demands placed on moms, but having good systems to manage the load is a game changer. This course has allowed me to smooth out the bumpy parts of my family's daily life, which has allowed me to enjoy this season so much more. What a gift!
(and another) happy homejoy grad :)

Survival Mentality is way too normalized for Mamas.
When I walk into the spaces where moms spend time together, I see a lot of commiserating, plenty of validating “you’re doing what you can!”...
… but I don’t see much of the “calling up” I believe we can really do for each other — the kind of “calling up” Jesus does with people He loves.
Moms have some of the most amazing hacks they’ve used to solve problems and make life easier, but instead of giving each other tactical tools and ideas to get OUT of our own misery, we climb down in the pit with each other.
Well, here’s the mountain I will absolutely die on:
I refuse to believe I was called to be a Mama only to survive these days I’ve been given with my sweet girls and TJ.
If the days are long and the years are short, I want to thrive in those long days and soak up every ounce of joy and purpose from these short years so I can help my girls do the same when they get to adulthood.
Life doesn’t have to stay like this. Please believe me.

Need a fancy PRO/CON sitch?
Too much, never enough
Falling behind
Urgent over important
Wishing away the moment
The middle, where most of us live our days.
Clear on your purpose
Healthy pace
Resting well
Prioritizing what matters
Thriving in your season

I’m Brooke, and I’m here to tell you: There is a better way.
Raise your hand if you feel like you spend your days swirling around meal plans, kids, groceries, laundry, tiny humans yelling “snaaaaaack!”, and sports schedules? Or if you feel like the only time you look your spouse in the eye is when you chuck them the keys across the kitchen counter while simultaneously shoving your kids sketch book into a bag because they’re late for the art class you forgot about, again. Yeah… my hand is raised. Real high.
Or at least it used to be. I’m happy to report that now I only raise my hand over things like this about twice a month. (Hey, progress not perfection, right?)
Over the last several years, I’ve started implementing a variety of different systems, routines and rhythms into my life and home and they have made a world of difference. Things that used to feel impossible or stressful feel less so. Laundry gets done almost every week. Meals are on the table and I made them! Kids are prepared and on time for their activities and I don’t want to cry alone in the bathroom nearly as often.
But of course the point isn’t to spend all of our time organizing our days and meals and schedules. These things aren’t what matters most. But they can help support what matters most. And that’s what we’re going to talk about in this class.
Let’s fill ourselves and our homes with joy!
See you in there!
xo Brooke
Here’s what you’ll get on the inside:
My simple system for planning your days and week
Silly-easy ways to tackle things like laundry, meal planning and to-do lists
Templates and lists to help you create your systems and and then put them into practice in your own life
My one key piece of advice to stay sane while juggling all the things for all the people

So, what if you stay right where you are?
I mean, sure. You might be fine. But do you feel fine RIGHT NOW?
It doesn’t have to stay in an endless cycle.
Mama, I see you. It’s hard! Life can be so much with a household to manage, little ones who need us constantly, businesses to run from home and relationships to keep up with. It’s no wonder we often end our days and weeks feeling scattered, frazzled and alone.
But I truly believe that with a little bit of help, practical knowledge and the right tools in place, you can create a way to thrive in your daily life. I can see the day for you where you wake up knowing what’s on your plate that day (literally and figuratively!) and you have the mental energy to get on the floor to play with your kids and have deeper conversations with your spouse. I mean can you imagine? That’s life changing stuff right there.
I’ve got the A’s to your Q’s
Well, first of all, you landed on this page for a reason. Something caught your attention and you thought, “Hey, maybe this could be for me?!” Don’t ignore that. If you answered any of the questions on this page with an um-how’d-you-know kinda “yes,” then this is 1000% for you.
When I first taught Homejoy, it was live. Now it lives in a course format so anyone can start their journey toward better systems and rhythms, and ultimately more JOY in their home at any time.
Sure! The way we’ve designed the course makes it REALLY easy to apply, but we’re always happy to answer your burning questions via email OR in our Facebook group!
For LYFE, friend! When you purchase access to Homejoy, you get access to the course as long as we have it. Which will be… pretty much forever.
Well, first, I’d ask you what you really want your life to look like. If the things I talked about above are pulling at you, then let’s think about this: you’re expending energy either way, right? So would you rather live reactively and just survive, or would you want to live proactively and begin to thrive? So even if you can only implement a small fraction of what I teach you right away, I know it will have a compounding impact on your long term sanity and success.
Absolutely! Feeling frazzled and “swirly” (a phrase I coined in college to describe how my insides feel when I’m anxious) isn’t reserved only for those of us with kids. So many of us live week after week, year after year feeling this way with nothing in place to support us or help us out of it. In fact, taking this class BEFORE you’re a parent and in the thick of it will set you up for much smoother sailing later in life.
Okay, Mama. I see you here! But I want you to know that overwhelm is valid no matter what you’re dealing with in life. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 things on your plate or 20, it can feel mind-boggling to keep it all inside your head and make sure it all gets done. This is totally for you!