Home, Lifestyle, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis Home, Lifestyle, Motherhood Brooke Mousetis

Encourage Creativity In Your Kids

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” - Maya Angelou | I am so grateful to have grown up in a creative home. While I’m sure my parents noticed creativity in me from an early age, I also know that they made it a priority for me too. I did dance lessons, art lessons and music lessons most of my childhood….

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Home, DIY, Video Brooke Mousetis Home, DIY, Video Brooke Mousetis

Our Laundry Room Reveal!

We live in a little 1,050 sq ft house that was built in 1929, and we love it with our whole hearts. But let me tell you, in the last four years as we've added two kids to our family, there are moments when it feels so small…

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A Play Area for June’s Room

June’s room has been arranged so many different ways in the last four years. But here's what I've learned, and to be honest love, about kid's rooms: they can change just as quickly as your little one does, and it's awesome that way.

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Home Brooke Mousetis Home Brooke Mousetis

A Little Sunshine For June's Room

When Minted reached out to feature some of their art, I don't think I've ever replied faster to an email because I love Minted. We've used them before for our Christmas cards, and other things in our house, and I always jump at the chance to get my hands on real, framed art!

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Home, DIY Brooke Mousetis Home, DIY Brooke Mousetis

Clay Rainbows

In case you haven't noticed, rainbows are everywhere these days and I. Am. Loving. It. They're expressions of joy and happiness and fun and rejoicing and promise, and I love all of those things. Like, a lot.

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Sunny's Nursery

Sunny's nursery is very small. Only 56sq. feet to be exact. And so, I started by deciding upon the three main items: the crib, the rug, and the chair.

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Home Brooke Mousetis Home Brooke Mousetis

Give Your Houseplants A Shower!

Having a little extra time on my hands today, I gave my house plants their biannual shower. I find over the fall/winter months, my houseplants get very dusty and a shower is just what they need to be looking happy and healthy again.

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Home Brooke Mousetis Home Brooke Mousetis

Saranoni Blanket Giveaway!

I normally shy away from giveaway posts, but when I got a message from Saranoni about doing one with them, I literally couldn't email them back fast enough to say "Yes! Count me in!"

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