Maple Mustard Chicken & Grilled Peach Salad


Here's the thing: I know that everyone has Fall and back to school on their minds, cause I'm trying just as hard as you are not to fill my entire cart at Target with new pencils, and folders and notebooks with cats on them. But as excited as I am for Autumn, it is currently 86 degrees outside, and June is asking to run around out back in her "baby-suit." 

Summer is still in full force, and that calls for crisp salads with grilled chicken and peaches. You thought I was done putting peaches in everything, didn't you? Ha! Never. 

Not only is this salad packed with summery goodness, but it'll also let you have dinner on the table in under 30 minutes, and you don't even have to turn on your oven.

My favorite way to make this salad even better is with peaches from The Peach Truck. You might be thinking "a peach is a peach", well... I thought that too until I ate an entire dozen of their peaches in under 48 hours a few years ago. Peach season isn't much longer so grab some at one of their market locations while you still can!


Serves 2 | Prep Time: 30 Mins


  • 1/2 c. olive oil

  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard

  • 3 tbsp organic maple syrup

  • 2 chicken breasts

  • 2 peaches

  • Spring salad mix

  • 1/4 c. chopped pecans

  • goat cheese (sprinkled on top if desired)

  • salt & pepper

Begin by preheating your grill. Next, combine olive oil, dijon mustard, and maple syrup in a small bowl. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix until well combined. Set aside.

Pat chicken breasts dry with a paper towel and then coat both sides with some of the Maple Mustard dressing you just made.


Slice peaches in half and lightly olive oil the fruit to keep it from sticking to the grill. Grill peaches as long as you desire. I did mine for about 6-7 minutes. There is no right or wrong amount of time. Grill chicken until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees.

Slice or chop chicken into bite size pieces.

Add spring mix, chopped pecans, goat cheese, grilled chicken, and peaches to a salad bowl. Drizzle with remaining dressing. Salt and pepper to taste.

Sit back and enjoy!!


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