Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis

The Lake Must-Haves

If you've been watching our IGTV Daily Life shows, you're probably aware that it's been raining, for like two months straight. And we're so over it. But a few weeks ago was 100% sunshine, and we happily took advantage of that by heading up to spend our afternoon at Mt. Gretna Lake.

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Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis

The Farmers Market | Family Time

One of our favorite things to do as a family is shop at the local farmer's market that is open on Tuesdays. Not only can you get some of the best prices and freshest food in town while you're there, but it's also such a fun experience for kids

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Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis Lifestyle Brooke Mousetis

Camels & Llamas

A few weeks ago, on a very cold Saturday morning, we went to a local Alpaca farm for one of their open house days.  The entire time we were there June called them "camels" and Pearl called them "Llamas", no matter how hard we all tried to correct them.

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Lifestyle, Travel Brooke Mousetis Lifestyle, Travel Brooke Mousetis

Beach Vacation | Stone Harbor

T.J. and I had decided before we even left for our trip that we were really going to make an effort to stay off of our phones during our vacation, so for me that looked like taking my "real" camera with me most places, and I am so grateful I did!

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