May Your Life Be Full, Not Busy

So often when people say "You guys are really busy" or "I know you're busy, but..." to T.J. or I, he usually replies and says something about how our lives are actually full, not busy. We just don't love the word busy. Too many people wear it as a badge of honor, as if busyness = success, or busyness makes it okay to not make room for the best things, verses all the things.

I love that T.J. says full instead of busy, because it’s a way more accurate description of our lives together. Busy can make it sound like we aren’t enjoying all the things we have and get to do, that instead we're just rushing from one thing to the next. But we love our lives together, in the full seasons and in the sparse. And right now we are in a full season for sure --- between a newborn, a potty training toddler, two businesses to keep running smoothly, a marriage, and everything else, our days are certainly full.

A few weeks ago, due to a loss in T.J.'s side of the family, we found ourselves on the other side of the state, and instead of just driving out for the funeral and back the following day, we reached out to my cousin, Mandy, and asked if we could crash at their place in Pittsburgh for a few days instead. It was such a refreshing little break nestled right into the middle of our full lives, and I am so grateful for the few days we spent there, even though it was freezing cold and we couldn’t do much exploring with a new baby! We chose not to jam pack our days with activities, but instead spent a lot of time lounging around the house, taking naps and deep breaths, and eating takeout. We did go out a few times and got to explore the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, which was amazing and had a Mo Williems exhibit at the time, as well as the National Aviary, which June loved. Every new room we went into at the Aviary, June proclaimed without fail "Look, more birds!" "Whoa Mom! More birds!" "Penguins. Those are birds too!" Yes June, more birds... I hear you. 😂😍

Enjoy this short highlight video of our trip and even though she isn’t in any of the clips (#momfail), I can assure you that Sunny was there! (Sorry second child. 😂) She just slept in the stroller/car seat the entire time.

We definitely want to go back and visit the city again when it's warmer outside. The zoo looks amazing.

Have you ever been to Pittsburgh? If so, what are your favorite things to do, see and eat?! Let me know!


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