The Birthday Corner | A New Family Tradition

I remember very clearly coming down the stairs on the morning of my 30th birthday, turning the corner from our living room to our kitchen/dining room, and seeing a giant "3-0" and the entire corner of our wall covered in notes and gift cards. T.J. went big for my 30th birthday, by surprising me with thirty $30 gift cards from family and friends. It was amaze balls.

And on that day, the birthday corner was born. The next birthday was June's 2nd and I decorated it with balloons that I made look like Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head (her favorite at the time), and for T.J.'s 33rd birthday I lined the entire corner with giant photos from the last year to celebrate all he was able to accomplish and do.

It's such a fun and simple tradition that really gives us the chance to be creative with our birthdays. Although, it's not as easy as it sounds! It's hard to decorate a corner, keep it a surprise, and come up with unique things each year. But that's part of the fun! We never know what the other person is going to do.

Today we celebrated my 32nd birthday and T.J. surprised me with loads of stuff from my favorite brands, which they sent to have included in the birthday corner. :) So amazing! (Brands listed below)

Last weekend, I turned the corner and my cousin Kate, who lives in North Carolina, was standing in the birthday corner so I was doubly surprised that T.J. had another birthday corner today because I thought Kate coming up for the weekend was it!

The birthday corner adds a little extra magic to a birthday by giving it a "stocking or presents under the tree" feel.  It's a chance to be creative and make the ones you love feel extra loved.  I know this seems dorky, but I get a little teary-eyed thinking about T.J. cutting out washi tape crosses at midnight just for me because one, I love washi tape and two when T.J. uses scissors I can easily picture giant-head kindergarten T.J. trying to do crafts! 😭All I can say is that he hit it out of the park this year and I can't wait to return the favor next June!

Another layer of the surprise was finding out that T.J. went through the brands I follow on Instagram and reached out to them to be a part of the Birthday corner.  He is a sneeeeeeaky guy.  Some of my absolute favorites said yes and sent the best goodies along with sweet notes + great packaging!

A HUGE thanks again to Ban.doOh JoyStudio DIYCarly Jean Los Angeles, and The Giving Keys. Y'all are so amazing!  Please go check them out right now!

Another thing the birthday corner always does is get my mind thinking about what I am going to do next for the birthday corner, which will be Sunny's 1st in January + June's 4th in February.  I can't wait! 

If you add the Birthday Corner tradition to your family, let me know by tagging me on Instagram - @brookecourtney or @walkinlove.  Thanks again to these great brands and thank you for the birthday wishes! - Brooke

P.S. - Save 32% on EVERYTHING in our shop this weekend with the code BROOKEIS32




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