Manheim Farm Show | Recap


I love that the start of our town's annual Farm Show almost always coincides with the ushering in of Fall. Minus this year when it was like 80 degrees for a few days and we all wanted to die. Because of the transition of seasons, marked with the tradition of visiting the Farm Show on a daily basis, it's become one of our family's favorite things to do each year. We actually budget ahead and intentionally don't cook or buy groceries for the week it's happening, and make time to eat our lunches and dinners there every day.

Without fail we always eat our fair share of grilled chicken sandwiches, hamloaf sandwiches, french fries, and walking tacos. Miss June jumped on the hamloaf sandwich bandwagon this year and ate eat least four in one week. 😂I've never been more proud!

A few times during the week we'll walk across to the part where all of the animals, baked good judging, flower exhibits, and giant pumpkins are. June really enjoyed the animals this year, and had the best reaction ever to seeing the ponies for the first time. (You can see it in this IGTV episode.)

To be totally honest, the Farm Show is most likely no better than any other town's annual fair. But what it lacks in razzle-dazzle, it makes up for in heart. (And some pretty incredible milkshakes.) It's so cool how the Farm Show brings our small town together every year and has for the past 65 years. I love that something my Mom grew up going to in the 70's was something I got to enjoy as a kid. And now I get to take my kids.

We're already looking forward to next year! :) Hope to see you there!


A Stellar Baby Shower | Shine Bright Little One!

