Easter Egg Tree


Ever since getting married, and especially since having June, I've loved the idea of starting traditions that are specific to our little family. When it comes to Easter, my side of extended family has the tradition of our Easter Egg Roll, where we all gather at the top of my Grandpa's long and steep driveway and literally roll our eggs down the hill. We have winners for furthest overall and yoke only. It's pretty awesome!

But leading up to Easter, I don't really have any decorations or anything special that we do. UNTIL NOW! I've wanted to make this Easter Egg tree for two years, and I finally have!

As far as DIYs go, it's pretty easy. Below are the instructions and supplies needed, as well as what I chose for each egg to represent so it can help teach June, and little Sunny, the story of Easter.


  • Eggs (paper mache, wooden or hollowed real ones)

  • Paint

  • Paintbrush

  • Paint Pen

  • Scissors

  • Hot Glue

  • String

  • Branch

  • Vase/Jar

  • Paper to protect your table while you paint


Find your vase and branch and set aside. Trim down the end of the stick to fit into your jar or vase if needed. I chose to stick with white, black, gold, mint and pink for my colors. I wanted it to be simple and spring-ish! You may choose any colors you'd like. Paint eggs your desired colors. My eggs took two coats of every color, except black, for them to look well painted. If however you like the single-coat-brushed-on look, stick with it! Both are good options! 

Once your second coat of paint has dried completely, you're ready to start decorating them. I used a combination of my black Sharpie paint pen and actual paint for my decorating. You can decorate yours however you'd like! If you want your tree to have "tradition and storytelling" to it, you can follow my suggestions below - or find your own!

Here is what I decided on:

  • Egg with Crown - To represent Jesus as Messiah, the Holy King.

  • Egg with Eyes - To represent Jesus' miracles - Giving sight to the blind.

  • Egg with Palm Leaves - To represent Palm Sunday.

  • Egg with Paint Strokes - To represent the breaking of bread at the last supper.

  • Egg with 30 black dots - To represent the 30 silver coins that were offered in exchange for Jesus.

  • Egg with X's - To represent Judas's betrayal and kiss.

  • Egg with Slashes - To represent Jesus being beaten and sentenced to death on a cross.

  • Egg with Crosses - To represent the cross.

  • Egg that is solid black - To represent the darkness of the tomb.

  • Egg that is solid gold - To represent Jesus rising FROM. THE. DEAD!

  • Egg that is half white, half black - To represent life over death.

  • Egg that is all white - To represent our sins being washed white as snow. A clean slate.

  • Egg with Hearts - To represent accepting Jesus into your heart.

  • Egg with Gold Dots - To represent our charge as Christians to be the light in a dark world.

Cut string to desired lengths and with a tiny dot of hot glue, attach string to top of your egg. Knowing what my branch looked like, I made my string lengths vary in size, so the eggs could hang at different heights! If needed, weight the bottom of your jar/vase with sand or small stones. Since the branch I found grew heavily to one side, the added weight of the eggs was causing it to tip over. So make sure you test it out before you load up your branch with all the eggs.

I hope that this little project serves as a reminder in your daily life of the great story of Jesus and his love for us. I pray it allows you to teach your family about Christ conquering death, or that it starts an otherwise un-had conversation around your dinner this Easter! (Side note: You could also totally make one of these and give it to someone as a gift for their home and table!)


Welcome Sunny Grace!


That'll Preach Kathie Lee Gifford!